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Aim for Success with Your First Investment Property Venture

Your first time running or owning an investment property can be pretty intimidating. After all, property is expensive, and your decisions will drive how profitable the undertaking is. We’ve pulled some top resources to ensure your success right from the start.

For expert guidance through the home buying and selling process, partner with The George Woods Team! Call (717) 324-2500 or email to schedule a consultation.

Vacation Rental vs. Residential

A Taste of 2020’s Best Rental Markets

Second Home vs. Investment Property: Comparing the Tax Differences

Apartment List National Rent Report

The Financial Side of Things

7 Easy Methods for Investment Property Financing

The Costs of Running a Vacation Rental (with Real Numbers)

The Hidden Costs of Being a Landlord

Forming an LLC Could Limit Financial Risks When Purchasing Your Home

How to Run a Professional Property

Basic Landlord Obligations Under Landlord-Tenant Law

Pros and Cons of Property Management Companies

Interview Questions and Answers for Apartment Managers

While it can be a bit nerve-wracking your first time around, investment properties are a solid business opportunity. Both vacation rentals and long-term residentials offer tremendous promise. Arrange finances with an eye toward profitability and then run the investment professionally for ensured success.

Article provided by Katie Conroy